伊朗与阿富汗修建10公里长的边界墙,以管理移民和加强安全。 Iran constructs 10 km border wall with Afghanistan to manage immigration and enhance security.
伊朗沿与阿富汗接壤的东部边界修建了10公里长的隔离墙,主要是为了管理移民和加强安全。 Iran has constructed a wall over 10 kilometers long along its eastern border with Afghanistan, primarily to manage immigration and enhance security. 诺扎尔·内马蒂将军证实,这一努力是更广泛的战略的一部分,其中包括增加50公里障碍的计划。 This effort, confirmed by General Nozar Nemati, is part of a broader strategy that includes plans for an additional 50 kilometers of barriers. 据估计,已有600万至700万阿富汗难民居住在伊朗,当局正在加紧努力,打击非法移民,旨在驱逐200多万难民。 With an estimated six to seven million Afghan refugees already residing in Iran, authorities are intensifying efforts against illegal immigration, aiming to expel over two million refugees.