阿塞拜疆的SOCAR公司将阿塞拜疆-Chirag PSA公司的最新情况更新至2049年,允许英国石油公司领导的JV公司从2025年开始勘探和生产NAG公司。 Azerbaijan's SOCAR updates Azeri-Chirag PSA to 2049, permitting BP-led JV to explore and produce NAG from 2025.
阿塞拜疆国家石油公司SOCAR更新了阿塞拜疆-Chirag油田生产分享协定,将其延长至2049年。 Azerbaijan's state oil company SOCAR has updated its Production Sharing Agreement for the Azeri-Chirag fields, extending it to 2049. 增编允许勘探和生产估计高达4万亿立方英尺的非关联天然气储油层。 The addendum permits exploration and production of non-associated natural gas (NAG) reservoirs, estimated to hold up to four trillion cubic feet of gas. 英国石油公司领导一个国际合资企业,西奇拉格平台正在进行钻探,天然气生产预计将于2025年开始。 BP leads an international joint venture, with drilling underway at the West Chirag Platform, and gas production expected to begin in 2025.