28岁的Dakota Patterson因武装抢劫在艾伯塔省Mayerthorpe被捕;对Santiago Patterson发出逮捕令。 28-year-old Dakota Patterson arrested for armed robbery in Mayerthorpe, Alberta; arrest warrant issued for Santiago Patterson.
加拿大皇家骑警逮捕了28岁的Dakota Patterson, 涉及艾伯塔省Mayerthorpe的武装抢劫,指控他犯有多项罪行,包括绑架和持枪抢劫。 The RCMP arrested Dakota Patterson, 28, in connection with an armed robbery in Mayerthorpe, Alberta, charging him with multiple offenses, including kidnapping and robbery with a firearm. 还对面临类似指控的30岁的Santiago Patterson发出了逮捕令。 An arrest warrant has also been issued for 30-year-old Santiago Patterson, who faces similar charges. 当局向公众保证不存在迫在眉睫的危险,并鼓励任何掌握圣地亚哥下落的人与警方联系。 Authorities assure the public that there is no imminent danger and encourage anyone with information on Santiago's whereabouts to contact the police.