Teen Kaylin Hunter和Tyler Mckellar两人因分别犯罪在艾伯塔省被捕,定于12月9日上法庭。 Teen Kaylin Hunter and man Tyler Mckellar arrested in Alberta for separate offenses, set for court on December 9th.
12月5日, 来自Whitecourt的18岁的Kaylin Cody Hunter在艾伯塔被捕, 罪名是偷车和用刀威胁他人, On December 5th, 18-year-old Kaylin Cody Hunter from Whitecourt was arrested in Alberta for a stolen vehicle incident and knife threats, facing charges including property theft, threats, and probation violation. 另外,来自黄头县的33岁的Tyler Mckellar因持有非法火器和违反缓刑而被逮捕。 Also, 33-year-old Tyler Mckellar from Yellowhead County was arrested for possessing illegal firearms and breaking probation. 两人将于12月9日在埃文斯堡法院出庭。 Both are set to appear in Evansburg Court of Justice on December 9th.