西方各州的志愿者监测应用程序实时提供野火最新消息和安全警报。 Volunteer-monitored app in Western states delivers real-time wildfire updates and safety alerts.
一款在野火高风险的西部各州受到关注的新应用程序提供了重要的安全信息。 A new app gaining traction in Western states at high risk for wildfires offers vital safety information. 它利用志愿者监控急救人员的无线电频率,提供有关野火状况的实时更新和警报。 It utilizes volunteers who monitor first responder radio frequencies, delivering real-time updates and alerts about wildfire conditions. 该应用程序旨在让居民随时了解安全措施和疏散命令,帮助社区在野火紧急情况期间做好准备和安全。 The app aims to keep residents informed about safety measures and evacuation orders, helping communities stay prepared and safe during wildfire emergencies.