部署在半岛的50个AI动力野火传感器,提供实时警报,并加强早期探测。 50 AI-powered wildfire sensors deployed in Peninsula, providing real-time alerts and enhancing early detection.
通过FireSafe理事会、斯坦福大学和地方机构参与的伙伴关系,在半岛部署了50个AI动力野火传感器。 Fifty AI-powered wildfire sensors have been deployed in the Peninsula through a partnership involving the FireSafe Council, Stanford University, and local agencies. 这些太阳能传感器为新出现的火灾提供实时警报,跟踪火灾和烟雾移动,并监测空气质量。 These solar-powered sensors provide real-time alerts for emerging fires, track fire and smoke movement, and monitor air quality. 该技术已在圣克拉拉县和奥克兰部分地区使用,目的是加强早期发现,这对保护生命、财产和环境至关重要。 Already in use in parts of Santa Clara County and Oakland, the technology aims to enhance early detection, crucial for protecting lives, property, and the environment.