联合国处理哈马斯38名被绑架儿童的心理创伤, UN addresses trauma of 38 kidnapped children by Hamas with lingering psychological issues.
以色列Schneider儿童医疗中心首席执行官Efrat Bron-Harlev博士在联合国发言,谈到2023年10月7日哈马斯绑架的儿童所面临的创伤。 Dr. Efrat Bron-Harlev, CEO of Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel, spoke at the UN regarding the trauma faced by children kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, 2023. 在253名被绑架者中,38人是儿童,甚至在获释后仍有心理问题。 Out of 253 abducted, 38 were children, with ongoing psychological issues even after release. 儿童忍受着严峻的条件,包括遭受暴力和剥夺的风险。 The children endured severe conditions, including the risk of violence and deprivation. 恢复需要全面支持,而人质家属也因不确定性而感到焦虑和抑郁。 Recovery requires comprehensive support, while families of the hostages also suffer from anxiety and depression due to uncertainty.