新加坡社区司法中心(Community Justice Centre)推出一款移动应用程序,以促进离婚夫妇的共同育儿。 Singapore's Community Justice Centre launches a mobile app to facilitate co-parenting for divorced couples.
新加坡社区司法中心推出了一个移动应用程序,以协助离婚夫妇管理共同抚养子女和尽量减少冲突。 Singapore's Community Justice Centre has introduced a mobile app to assist divorced couples in managing co-parenting and minimizing conflict. 应用程序包括跟踪支出、共享文件和在维护隐私的同时传递信息等功能。 The app includes features for tracking expenses, sharing documents, and messaging while maintaining privacy. 该倡议第一年的目标是500名用户,它响应不断上升的离婚率,目的是加强问责制和透明度,最终有利于儿童的情感稳定。 With a target of 500 users in its first year, the initiative responds to rising divorce rates and aims to enhance accountability and transparency, ultimately benefiting children's emotional stability.