Google更新Family Link 应用程序, 帮助家长在上课时间控制孩子的设备使用。 Google updates Family Link app to help parents control kids' device usage during school hours.
Google更新了Family Link App, 增加了一个“学校时间”功能, 限制在上课时间使用设备及通知, Google has updated its Family Link app, adding a "School Time" feature that restricts device usage and notifications during school hours, customizable by parents. 更新内容还包括重新设计与新的屏幕时间标签界面的接口,以方便对应用程序访问进行管理,以及一个供父母批准与子女联系的功能,以便他们可以打电话或发短信。 The update also includes a redesigned interface with a new Screen Time tab for easier management of app access and a feature for parents to approve contacts their children can call or text. 这些改变旨在帮助父母更有效地监测和控制其子女的装置使用情况。 These changes aim to help parents monitor and control their children's device usage more effectively.