威廉王子恢复了电子摩托车交通 引起妻子凯特・米德尔顿对安全的关注 Prince William resumes e-scooter commuting, raising concern for wife Kate Middleton over safety.
威廉王子的摩托车爱好 引起了他的妻子凯特·米德尔顿的担忧 他担心自己的安全 Prince William's motorbike hobby has caused concern for his wife, Kate Middleton, who fears for his safety. 他在成为父亲后减少了骑车,但最近选择了电子摩托车,在阿德莱德城堡和温莎城堡的住所之间往返。 He reduced riding after becoming a father but recently opted for an e-scooter for commuting between their home at Adelaide Cottage and Windsor Castle. 这对夫妇于2022年搬到Adelaide Cottage,目的是过上更平静的家庭生活,允许其子女到当地学校上学,在远离伦敦中部的地方接受农村教育。 The couple moved to Adelaide Cottage in 2022 for a quieter family life, allowing their children to attend a local school and enjoy a rural upbringing away from central London.