2名飞行员在密歇根安全执行1966年Piper PA30紧急降落,没有起落装置。 2 pilots safely execute emergency landing of 1966 Piper PA30 without landing gear in Michigan.
两名飞行员Jeffery M. Chatfield和Robert H. Coles于星期五下午在密歇根分郡纪念机场安全执行1966年Piper PA30号紧急降落,没有起落装置。 Two pilots, Jeffery M. Chatfield and Robert H. Coles, safely executed an emergency landing of a 1966 Piper PA30 without landing gear at Branch County Memorial Airport in Michigan on Friday afternoon. 飞机在试飞中遇到机械故障,迫使飞行员在跑道上降落。 The aircraft experienced mechanical issues during a test flight, forcing the pilots to land on its belly off the runway. 没有人受伤,尽管飞机对螺旋桨造成轻微损坏,并可能发生内装问题。 There were no injuries, though the plane sustained minor damage to the propellers and possible undercarriage issues.