Wali警员涉嫌参与白沙瓦清真寺爆炸事件,被控协助自杀炸弹手。 Constable Wali implicated in Peshawar mosque bombing, accused of aiding suicide bomber.
一名警官Wali警官涉嫌参与2023年1月30日白沙瓦清真寺爆炸事件,被控协助自杀炸弹手,允许进入并提供关键信息。 A police officer, Constable Wali, has been implicated in the January 30, 2023, Peshawar mosque bombing, accused of aiding the suicide bomber by granting access and providing critical information. Wali服役7年,据报支持恐怖主义,在主谋被捕后被捕。 Wali, who served for seven years and reportedly supported terrorism, was arrested after the mastermind's capture. 这次袭击造成100多人死亡,引起对该区域安全和内部威胁的警报。 The attack resulted in over 100 fatalities, raising alarms about security and internal threats in the region. 执法中的问责制现在受到质疑。 Accountability in law enforcement is now in question.