中央西藏政府调查藏族个人对达赖喇嘛的社交媒体威胁。 Central Tibetan Administration investigates social media threat against Dalai Lama by individual of alleged Tibetan origin.
西藏中央行政当局正在调查一名藏族人士对达赖喇嘛的社交媒体威胁。 The Central Tibetan Administration is investigating a social media threat against the Dalai Lama made by an individual of alleged Tibetan origin. 这次调查在流亡的西藏议会讨论,目的是查明据信在欧洲或澳大利亚的嫌疑人,并了解威胁背后的动机。 Discussed in the Tibetan Parliament in exile, the investigation aims to identify the suspect, thought to be in Europe or Australia, and understand the motive behind the threat. 尽管局势严重,但官员们保证达赖喇嘛不会立即面临安全风险。 Despite the seriousness of the situation, officials assure that there is no immediate security risk to the Dalai Lama.