印度给予达赖喇嘛最高安全级别,将其保护升级为Z类。 India grants top-tier security to the Dalai Lama, upgrading his protection to Z-category.
印度政府给予达赖喇嘛Z类安全, 由CRPF突击队提供24小时保护。 The Indian government has granted Z-category security to the Dalai Lama, providing him with around-the-clock protection by a team of CRPF commandos. 这一行动是在威胁评估之后采取的,取代了以前由喜马恰尔邦警察提供的安全。 This move follows threat assessments and replaces the previous security provided by the Himachal Pradesh police. 强化安全是保护印度高知名度人士的更广泛努力的一部分,其中包括在曼尼普尔的正义党领导人Sambit Patra。 The heightened security is part of a broader effort to protect high-profile individuals in India, including BJP leader Sambit Patra in Manipur.