27岁的Grand Rapids男子因偷车被捕,在无人驾驶飞机的帮助下躲藏起来。 27-year-old Grand Rapids man arrested for vehicle theft, caught hiding with drone's help.
一名来自大急流城的 27 岁男子在社区和无人机技术的协助下因车辆盗窃而被捕。 A 27-year-old man from Grand Rapids was arrested for vehicle theft with assistance from the community and drone technology. 在副警长发现一辆失窃的汽车无人驾驶后,一名证人报告说,疑犯逃到树林里。 After deputies found a stolen car unoccupied, a witness reported the suspect fleeing into the woods. 使用红外遥控无人机 副警长发现他躲在另一辆车里 Using an infrared-equipped drone, deputies located him hiding in another vehicle. 他目前被关押在肯特县教养所,由检察官办公室审查此案。 He is currently in custody at the Kent County Correctional Facility while the case is reviewed by the prosecutor's office.