32岁的Craig Vinton,来自Fargo, 在Cass州和Ransom州被捕并被控盗窃机动车辆。 32-year-old Craig Vinton, from Fargo, arrested and charged with motor vehicle theft in Cass and Ransom Counties.
32岁的Craig Vinton,来自北达科他州的Fargo,在Cass和Ransom州发生一系列车辆盗窃事件后,被捕并被指控偷窃机动车辆。 32-year-old Craig Vinton, from Fargo, North Dakota, was arrested and charged with motor vehicle theft after a series of vehicle thefts across Cass and Ransom Counties. 事件开始时,有一辆失窃车辆在火灾中被发现,随后在Ransom县发现第二辆失窃车辆,第三辆据报被盗。 The incidents began with a stolen vehicle discovered on fire, followed by a second stolen vehicle in Ransom County, and a third reported stolen. Vinton是在副手在Davenport农村的沟渠中发现他时被捕的。 Vinton was arrested after deputies found him in a vehicle in a ditch in rural Davenport.