南非能源公司Eskom和Sasol签署备忘录,探索LNG减排和能源安全。 South African energy firms Eskom and Sasol sign MoU to explore LNG for emission reduction and energy security.
南非能源公司Eskom和Sasol签署了一项谅解备忘录,探讨液化天然气需求,以支持可行的进口市场和基础设施。 South African energy firms Eskom and Sasol have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to explore liquefied natural gas (LNG) requirements to support a viable import market and infrastructure. 这一伙伴关系旨在减少排放,加强能源安全,同时摆脱煤炭。 This partnership aims to reduce emissions and enhance energy security while transitioning away from coal. Eskom寻求大幅度削减温室气体排放,合作将评估当地和区域长期供应稳定性的天然气采购备选方案。 Eskom seeks to cut greenhouse gas emissions significantly, and the collaboration will assess both local and regional gas sourcing options for long-term supply stability.