温哥华国际机场引进CT扫描仪,以加强对威胁的探测,同时保持携带完整。 Vancouver International Airport introduces CT scanners for enhanced threat detection while keeping carry-ons intact.
温哥华国际机场是加拿大首个在安全检查站实施计算机断层扫描仪 (CT) 的机场. Vancouver International Airport is the first in Canada to implement Computed Tomography (CT) scanners at security checkpoints. 这项技术提供360度计算机化X射线成像, 让乘客可以在随身行李中携带笔记本电脑和液体, This technology offers 360-degree computerized X-ray imaging, allowing passengers to keep laptops and liquids in their carry-ons while enhancing threat detection. 加拿大航空运输安全局计划在全国推广这些扫描仪,初步供资2 300万美元,并追加3 000万美元用于机场翻修。 The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority plans to roll out these scanners nationwide, with initial funding of $23 million and an additional $30 million for airport renovations.