研究发现,由于缺乏资本增益税,新西兰在经合组织国家中富人的工资最低税率是最低的。 Study finds New Zealand's wealthy pay lowest tax among OECD nations due to lack of capital gains tax.
来自维多利亚大学的Max Rashbrooke的研究显示, 新西兰的富人比9个经合组织国家的富人税收要低。 A study by Max Rashbrooke from Victoria University reveals that New Zealand's wealthy face lower taxes than their counterparts in nine OECD nations. 高收入者,例如支付330 000美元的高收入者,缴纳33%的所得税,这是可比国家中最低的税率。 High earners, such as those making $330,000, pay 33% income tax, the lowest rate among comparable countries. 新西兰没有资本收益税,导致总体税收负担降低。 New Zealand lacks a capital gains tax, contributing to an overall lower tax burden. 在对收入不平等的关切中,调查结果引发了关于包括财富税在内的潜在税务改革的讨论。 The findings spark discussions on potential tax reforms, including a wealth tax, amid concerns about income inequality.