不列颠哥伦比亚Kamloops的红桥被火烧毁;疑似纵火,调查当局。 Red Bridge in Kamloops, BC, destroyed by fire; suspected arson, authorities investigating.
不列颠哥伦比亚省Kamloops历史性的红桥于9月19日被可疑的火灾摧毁,坠入南汤普森河。 The historic Red Bridge in Kamloops, British Columbia, was destroyed by a suspicious fire on September 19, collapsing into the South Thompson River. 两天前发生的一次小火灾. This incident follows a smaller blaze just two days prior. 当局正在调查可能的刑事参与,敦促公众报告任何相关信息或录像。 Authorities are investigating possible criminal involvement, urging the public to report any relevant information or footage. 由于火灾,当地的几个公园和船只发射场已经关闭,并建议司机使用 5 号高速公路作为替代路线。 As a result of the fire, several local parks and boat launches have been closed, and drivers have been advised to use Highway 5 as an alternate route.