2024年9月15日,在科基特兰市中心水上综合体停车场发生车辆火灾造成一名人死亡. A person died in a vehicle fire at Coquitlam's City Centre Aquatic Complex parking lot on September 15, 2024.
2024年9月15日,在不列颠哥伦比亚省科基特拉姆市中心Aquaitic Complex停车场发生汽车火灾,发现一人死亡。 A person was found dead in a vehicle fire at the City Centre Aquatic Complex parking lot in Coquitlam, British Columbia, on September 15, 2024. 当地警察于上午11时35分左右作出反应,消防员扑灭了火势。 Local police responded around 11:35 AM, and the fire was extinguished by firefighters. 当局认为这一事件是孤立的,与任何正在进行的冲突无关。 Authorities believe the incident is isolated and not connected to any ongoing conflicts. 水生中心已关闭供维护之用,调查人员正在向公众索取资料,参考文件号为2024-24487。 The aquatic center is closed for maintenance, and investigators are seeking information from the public, referencing file number 2024-24487.