经合组织重申承诺在年底前最后确定关于多国公司的全球税务协定。 OECD reaffirms commitment to finalize global tax pact on multinational corporations by year-end.
经合组织重申其承诺,将最后敲定一项涉及多国公司的全球税务协定,特别是针对谷歌和亚马逊等美国主要数字公司。 The OECD reaffirms its commitment to finalize a global tax pact addressing multinational corporations, particularly targeting major U.S. digital firms like Google and Amazon. 来自近130个国家的官员错过了该条约的年中最后期限,但经合组织税务主任Manal Corwin坚持在年终前达成一项决议。 Officials from nearly 130 nations missed a mid-year deadline for the treaty, but OECD tax director Manal Corwin insists on achieving a resolution by year-end. 与此同时,2021年税收交易的第二支柱,即规定最低15%的公司税率,已在19个国家实施。 Meanwhile, the second pillar of the 2021 tax deal, establishing a minimum 15% corporate tax rate, is already being implemented by 19 countries.