尽管美国反对,加拿大仍计划在 2024 年对大型科技公司征收 3% 的数字服务税。 Canada plans to impose a 3% digital services tax on large tech companies in 2024, despite US opposition.
尽管美国威胁采取贸易报复措施,加拿大仍将于 2024 年开始对大型科技公司征收拟议的税。 Canada will start applying a proposed tax on large tech companies in 2024 despite threats of trade reprisals from the US. 目前,加拿大议会正在审议的数字服务税将对年全球收入超过 11 亿加元且来自加拿大用户应税收入超过 2000 万加元的公司的数字服务收入征收 3% 的税。 The digital services tax, currently before Canada's Parliament, will apply a 3% levy on the digital services revenue of companies with annual worldwide revenue of over C$1.1bn and taxable revenues from Canadian users above C$20m. 预计从 2024/25 财年开始的五年内,该税将增加 59 亿加元。 The tax is expected to raise C$5.9bn over five years starting in fiscal 2024/25. 美国反对该计划,因为该计划针对的是美国公司。 The US opposes the plan as it singles out US firms.