新西兰司法部长提议提高陪审团审判门槛,延长被告审判选择期。 New Zealand's Justice Minister proposes to increase jury trial threshold and extend defendant trial choice period.
新西兰司法部长保罗·戈德史密斯正在征求公众对减少陪审团审判的建议的反馈意见,因为陪审团审判造成了法院的重大拖延。 New Zealand's Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith is seeking public feedback on proposals to reduce jury trials, which are causing significant court delays. 一项提案旨在将陪审团审判请求的犯罪门槛从两年提高到可能三年、五年或七年。 One proposal aims to raise the offence threshold for jury trial requests from two years to potentially three, five, or seven years. 另一项建议将使被告有更多的时间在陪审团审判或只由法官审判之间作出选择。 Another proposal would give defendants more time to choose between a jury or judge-only trial. 协商期于2024年10月11日结束。 The consultation period ends on October 11, 2024.