达文波特警方认为最近的学校威胁是不可相信的,但出勤率下降,资源紧张。 Davenport police deem recent school threats non-credible, but attendance drops and resources strain.
达文波特警察局长杰夫·布雷德尔 (Jeff Bladel) 宣布,最近主要在社交媒体上传播的针对当地学校的模糊暴力威胁,经过调查后被认为不可信。 Davenport Police Chief Jeff Bladel announced that recent vague threats of violence against local schools, primarily circulated on social media, have been deemed non-credible after investigation. 尽管如此,上学率受到影响,给学校和警察造成资源紧张。 Despite this, attendance has been affected, causing resource strains for schools and police. 官方敦促家长和学生直接报告威胁, 而不是在网上分享, 强调负责任的沟通对于防止不必要的恐慌的重要性。 Officials urge parents and students to report threats directly rather than sharing them online, emphasizing the importance of responsible communication to prevent unnecessary panic.