科罗拉多斯普林斯警方消除了通过社交媒体传播的不可信的全国性学校威胁。 Colorado Springs police dispel non-credible, nationwide school threats spread through social media.
科罗拉多斯普林斯警察局 (CSPD) 报告称, 收到针对当地学校的不可信的威胁, 主要通过社交媒体传播, The Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) has reported receiving non-credible threats against local schools, primarily spread via social media from outside the state. CSPD指出没有可信的威胁证据, 并积极监控社交媒体, CSPD stated there's no evidence of credible threats and is actively monitoring social media for any verified risks. 在Rampart高中发生具体事件后引起关注,但警方证实,这些威胁可能是全国性骗局的一部分。 Concerns arose following a specific incident at Rampart High School, but police have confirmed these threats are likely part of a nationwide hoax. 当局保持警惕。 Authorities remain vigilant.