BBC 的 The Repair Shop 剧集修复了卡米拉·格林伍德 (Camilla Greenwood) 已故母亲留下的被火烧毁的泰迪熊,唤起了强烈的情感。 BBC's The Repair Shop episode restored Camilla Greenwood's fire-damaged teddy bear from her late mother, evoking strong emotions.
BBC 的 The Repair Shop 的观众被卡米拉·格林伍德 (Camilla Greenwood) 的一集深深打动,她带来了已故母亲被火烧毁的泰迪熊进行修复。 Viewers of BBC's The Repair Shop were deeply moved by an episode featuring Camilla Greenwood, who brought in her late mother's fire-damaged teddy bear for restoration. 这只熊是她母亲的珍贵纪念品,她死于一场房屋火灾,由阿曼达·米德尔迪奇 (Amanda Middleditch) 和朱莉·塔切尔 (Julie Tatchell) 专业修复。 The bear, a cherished memento from her mother, who died in a house fire, was expertly restored by Amanda Middleditch and Julie Tatchell. Camilla的情感反应突显了熊的重要性, Camilla's emotional reaction highlighted the bear's significance, resonating with audiences and prompting heartfelt responses on social media.