BBC的“修理店”为寄养儿童修复了一个破旧的猫玩具,在住院期间提供安慰。 BBC's "The Repair Shop" restored a worn-out cat toy for a foster child, providing comfort during hospital stays.
英国广播公司(BBC)的“修理店”(The Repair Shop)为患有罕见先天性疾病的寄养儿童科林(Colin)修复了一只心爱的、破旧的猫玩具,名叫杰西(Jess)。 BBC's "The Repair Shop" moved viewers as they restored a beloved, worn-out cat toy named Jess for a foster child, Colin, with a rare congenital condition. 杰西在住院和手术期间 一直是一个安慰人的伴侣 Jess has been a comforting companion during hospital stays and surgeries. 专家阿曼达·米德尔迪奇(Amanda Middleditch)和朱莉·塔切尔(Julie Tatchell)的发自内心的转变引起了人们的情感反应,观众在社交媒体上称赞了这一集。 The heartfelt transformation by experts Amanda Middleditch and Julie Tatchell evoked emotional reactions, with viewers praising the episode on social media.