55岁的Christopher Preston假扮按摩治疗师,在圣地亚哥被捕,被控对多名妇女进行性攻击。 55-year-old Christopher Preston, posing as a massage therapist, was arrested in San Diego for alleged sexual assault of multiple women.
55岁的Christopher Scott Preston在圣地亚哥被捕,据称他假扮有执照的按摩师,对多个妇女进行性攻击。 Christopher Scott Preston, 55, was arrested in San Diego for allegedly sexually assaulting multiple women while posing as a licensed massage therapist. 他经营360健康咨询, 在Groupon上广告了有折扣的淋巴排水按摩. He operated 360 Wellness and Consulting and advertised discounted lymphatic drainage massages on Groupon. 圣地亚哥警察局正在调查这些事件,并鼓励证人或潜在受害者与其性犯罪股联系。 The San Diego Police Department is investigating the incidents and encourages witnesses or potential victims to contact their Sex Crimes Unit.