俄亥俄州斯普林菲尔德市因特朗普和万斯关于海地人吃宠物的虚假声明而面临安全问题。 Springfield, Ohio faces safety concerns due to false claims by Trump and Vance about Haitians eating pets.
俄亥俄州斯普林菲尔德市在唐纳德·特朗普和 J.D. 提出虚假声明后面临海外威胁。 The Ohio city of Springfield faces overseas threats following false claims made by Donald Trump and J.D. 万斯关于海地人据称吃宠物的问题。 Vance regarding Haitians allegedly eating pets. 这些言论引发了强烈反弹,引起人们对社区安全的关切。 These statements have sparked backlash and raised concerns about safety in the community. 俄亥俄州州长办公室承认了这种情况,强调虚假信息对当地安全的影响。 The Ohio governor's office has acknowledged the situation, emphasizing the impact of disinformation on local security.