俄罗斯异见人士卡拉-穆尔扎(Kara-Murza)就俄罗斯的政治犯问题向美国立法者发表讲话,并支持《桥梁法案》(Bridge Act)。 Russian dissident Kara-Murza addresses US lawmakers on political prisoners in Russia and supports the Bridge Act.
最近从西伯利亚监狱获释的俄罗斯持不同政见者弗拉基米尔·卡拉-穆尔扎(Vladimir Kara-Murza)向美国立法者介绍了俄罗斯政治犯的困境。 Russian dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza, recently released from a Siberian prison, addressed U.S. lawmakers about the plight of political prisoners in Russia. 他的访问恰逢参议员本·卡丹 (Ben Cardin) 提出旨在支持俄罗斯和邻近地区的民主倡导者 Bridge Act。 His visit coincided with Senator Ben Cardin's introduction of the Bridge Act, aimed at supporting democracy advocates in Russia and neighboring regions. Kara-Murza因其人权工作而得到承认,强调政治犯人数多于所报告的人数,并誓言与美国官员合作争取他们的解放。 Kara-Murza, recognized for his human rights work, emphasized the higher number of political prisoners than reported and vowed to collaborate with U.S. officials for their liberation.