格鲁吉亚-太平洋在绿湾百老汇磨坊完成了550万美元的扩建,增加了100个就业机会,并升级了现代纸质生产技术。 Georgia-Pacific completes $550m expansion at Green Bay's Broadway Mill, adding 100 jobs and upgrading to modern paper production technology.
Georgia-Pacific 已完成其位于威斯康星州格林湾的 Broadway Mill 的 5.5 亿美元扩建工程,创造了 100 多个工作岗位。 Georgia-Pacific has completed a $550 million expansion of its Broadway Mill in Green Bay, Wisconsin, creating over 100 jobs. 新的600 000平方英尺设施装有一台现代纸机,这是30多年来首次安装的纸机,目的是促进纸巾产品的生产。 The new 600,000-square-foot facility features a modern paper machine, the first installed in over 30 years, aimed at boosting production of paper towel products. 该项目花费了两年多的时间,加强了安全和生产力自动化,解决了市场上不断增长的需求。 This project, which took more than two years, enhances automation for safety and productivity, addressing rising demand in the market.