在南Ockendon发现一名男童死亡;一名妇女因涉嫌谋杀而被捕。 A young boy was found dead in South Ockendon; a woman was arrested on suspicion of murder.
在埃塞克斯州南奥肯登发现一名男孩死亡,当时警方出于对妇女和儿童的福利考虑而报警。 A young boy was found dead in South Ockendon, Essex, after police were called due to welfare concerns for a woman and a child. 一名妇女因涉嫌谋杀被捕,在医院接受治疗,后来又再次被捕。 A woman was arrested on suspicion of murder, treated at a hospital, and later re-arrested. 警方正在调查,没有寻找其他嫌疑人,并要求公众提供与这一事件有关的任何信息。 Police are investigating without seeking other suspects and have asked the public for any information related to the incident. 社区被描述为「非常震惊」。 The community is described as "very shocked" by the event.