26岁的Kyle Clifford被控谋杀英国广播公司比赛评论家John Hunt在Hertfordshire的家人,9月17日出庭。 26-year-old Kyle Clifford charged with murdering BBC racing commentator John Hunt's family in Hertfordshire, with court appearance on Sept 17.
在BBC早餐节目上, 共同主持人宣布26岁的Kyle Clifford被控谋杀英国广播公司赛车评论家John Hunt的妻子Carol和女儿Hannah和Louise, 2021年7月在Hertfordshire, On BBC Breakfast, co-hosts announced that Kyle Clifford, 26, has been charged with murdering BBC racing commentator John Hunt's wife, Carol, and their daughters, Hannah and Louise, in July 2021 in Hertfordshire. 他还面临非法监禁和拥有进攻性武器的指控。 He faces additional charges of false imprisonment and possession of an offensive weapon. 克利福德在袭击发生后的第二天被发现受伤,他将于 9 月 17 日出庭。 Clifford, found injured the day after the attack, will appear in court on September 17. John Hunt要求隐私来哀悼 John Hunt requested privacy to grieve.