26 岁的凯尔·克利福德 (Kyle Clifford) 涉嫌用弩袭击 BBC 5 现场评论员约翰·亨特 (John Hunt) 的妻子和女儿,目前瘫痪并被捕。 26-year-old Kyle Clifford, suspected of killing BBC 5 Live commentator John Hunt's wife and daughters in crossbow attack, is paralyzed and under arrest.
26 岁的凯尔·克利福德 (Kyle Clifford) 涉嫌用弓弩袭击 BBC 5 现场评论员约翰·亨特 (John Hunt) 的妻子和女儿,他因自己造成的脊髓损伤而陷入瘫痪。 26-year-old Kyle Clifford, suspected of killing BBC 5 Live commentator John Hunt's wife and daughters in a crossbow attack, is paralyzed from a self-inflicted wound to his spinal cord. 受害者路易丝的前男友克利福德目前已被逮捕,并在医院接受治疗。 Clifford, the former boyfriend of victim Louise, is under arrest and receiving treatment in the hospital. 他目前的状况使得警方无法对他进行讯问,但对谋杀案的调查仍在继续。 His current condition prevents the police from questioning him, but the investigation into the murders continues. 亨特一家对悲剧发生后公众给予的支持表示感谢。 The Hunt family has expressed gratitude for the support they've received from the public following the tragic incident.