英国警方在伦敦北部发现了 26 岁的凯尔·克利福德 (Kyle Clifford),他是赫特福德郡用弩杀害三名妇女的嫌疑人。 26-year-old Kyle Clifford, suspect in crossbow murder of 3 women in Hertfordshire, found by UK police in North London.
英国警方在伦敦北部的恩菲尔德地区发现了 26 岁的凯尔·克利福德 (Kyle Clifford),他是赫特福德郡用弓弩射杀三名女子的嫌疑人。 26-year-old Kyle Clifford, a suspect in the crossbow murder of three women in Hertfordshire, has been found by UK police in the Enfield area of North London. 受害者是 BBC 赛马评论员约翰·亨特的妻子卡罗尔·亨特以及她的两个女儿路易丝·亨特(25 岁)和汉娜·亨特(28 岁),她们在据信是一次有针对性的袭击中丧生。 The victims, identified as BBC horse racing commentator John Hunt's wife, Carol Hunt, and her two daughters, Louise Hunt (25) and Hannah Hunt (28), were killed in what is believed to be a targeted attack.