阿联酋从Saab获得5架GlobalEye侦察机,费用为12.7亿美元。 UAE completes acquisition of 5 GlobalEye surveillance aircraft from Saab for $1.27 billion.
阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)已完成从Saab购置5架GlobalEye多功能侦察机的工作。 The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has completed its acquisition of five GlobalEye multi-role surveillance aircraft from Saab. 该合同价值12.7亿美元,于2015年启动,标志着阿联酋的国防能力显著增强。 The contract, valued at $1.27 billion, was initiated in 2015 and marks a significant enhancement in the UAE's defense capabilities. GlobalEye系统提供全面的空中、海上和地面监视,提高阿联酋军队对形势的认识和对威胁的探测。 The GlobalEye system offers comprehensive air, maritime, and ground surveillance, improving situational awareness and threat detection for the UAE's military forces.