Space42和ICEYE发射UAE卫星,利用合成孔径雷达技术促进地球观测。 Space42 and ICEYE launch UAE satellite venture to boost Earth Observation with SAR technology.
Space42和ICEYE组成了一个合资企业,在阿联酋制造合成孔径雷达(SAR)卫星,目的是加强该国的地球观测方案。 Space42 and ICEYE have formed a joint venture to manufacture Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites in the UAE, aiming to boost the country's Earth Observation Program. 以阿布扎比为基地的这一伙伴关系将利用Space42的卫星制造和运营设施,支持对高分辨率图像日益增长的需求。 This partnership, based in Abu Dhabi, will leverage Space42's facilities for satellite manufacturing and operations, supporting the growing need for high-resolution imagery. 该企业还力求加强技术转让,促进当地为未来的合成孔径雷达卫星能力开展的研发工作。 The venture also seeks to enhance technology transfer and foster local R&D efforts for future SAR satellite capabilities.