阿联酋部分解除11月25日的无人驾驶飞机禁令,推出国家登记平台。 UAE to partially lift drone ban on Nov 25, introducing a national registration platform.
阿拉伯联合酋长国将从2024年11月25日起部分解除对无人机行动的禁令。 The United Arab Emirates will partially lift its ban on drone operations starting November 25th, 2024. 这一分阶段做法旨在加强空气空间安全,并将引入一个统一的无人驾驶飞机登记和监管国家平台。 This phased approach aims to enhance airspace safety and will introduce a unified national platform for drone registration and regulation. 最初,该平台将为公司和政府实体提供服务,并计划扩大范围,在今后阶段将业余用户包括在内。 Initially, the platform will serve companies and government entities, with plans to expand to include amateur users in future phases. 该倡议支持阿联酋技术进步和经济增长的目标。 The initiative supports the UAE's goals for technological advancement and economic growth.