印度最高法院推翻了西孟加拉邦禁止女医生上夜班的禁令。 The Supreme Court of India overturned West Bengal's ban on female doctors on night shifts.
在加尔各答一名医生被强奸和谋杀后,印度最高法院裁定西孟加拉邦政府禁止女医生在国营医院上夜班。 The Supreme Court of India has ruled against the West Bengal government's ban on female doctors working night shifts at state-run hospitals, following the rape and murder of a doctor in Kolkata. 首席大法官DY Chandrachud强调,政府必须加强安全措施,而不是限制妇女就业。 Chief Justice DY Chandrachud emphasized that the government must enhance security measures rather than impose restrictions on women's employment. 法院还下令将受害人的身份从维基百科删除,以保护她的尊严。 The court also ordered the removal of the victim's identity from Wikipedia to protect her dignity.