2024年,Myntra的Gen Z客户基础几乎翻了一番,达到1 600万个。 In 2024, Myntra's Gen Z customer base nearly doubled to 16 million, driven by its FWD app.
Myntra是印度的一个电子商务平台,它的Gen Z客户基础几乎翻了一番,达到2024年的1 600万个,它的FWD应用软件提供了以趋势为焦点的时尚服务。 Myntra, an Indian e-commerce platform, has nearly doubled its Gen Z customer base to 16 million in 2024, fueled by its FWD app, which offers trend-focused fashion. 该公司的目标是在未来几年将这一部分增加到2 000万至2 500万。 The company aims to grow this segment to 20-25 million in the coming years. 随着Z世代影响其电子生活方式时尚销售的25%, Myntra计划利用即将到来的节日季节和新趋势进一步吸引这一人口群体, 这代表着一个重要的市场机会. With Gen Z influencing 25% of its e-lifestyle fashion sales, Myntra plans to leverage upcoming festive seasons and new trends to further engage this demographic, which represents a significant market opportunity.