科特迪瓦水稻种植者通过投资、新的品种和方案,力求到2027年每年生产2.2亿吨大米,减少对进口的依赖。 Ivorian rice farmers, with investment, new variety, and programs, aim to produce 2.2M tons of rice annually by 2027, reducing import dependence.
科特迪瓦水稻种植者在新的抗天气水稻品种的帮助下,正在增加农业产量,旨在每公顷产量高达5公吨。 Ivorian rice farmers, with the help of a new weather-resistant rice variety, are increasing agricultural output, aiming to produce up to 5 metric tons per hectare. 该倡议得到551.38亿美元投资的支持,力求到2027年每年生产2.2亿吨大米,减少对印度、泰国和巴基斯坦等进口国的依赖。 The initiative, backed by a $551.38M investment, seeks to produce 2.2M tons of rice annually by 2027, reducing dependence on importing countries like India, Thailand, and Pakistan. 该方案包括改进灌溉、机械化和抗旱种子,有可能使象牙海岸在三年内实现稻米生产自给自足。 The program includes improved irrigation, mechanization, and drought-resistant seeds, potentially making Ivory Coast self-sufficient in rice production within three years.