加利福尼亚州的保险市场危机促使人们要求召开特别立法会议。 California's insurance market crisis prompts calls for a special legislative session.
加利福尼亚州保险市场正面临重大挑战,这促使人们呼吁召开一次特别立法会议来处理这些问题。 California's insurance market is facing significant challenges, prompting calls for a special legislative session to address the issues. 维护者认为,情况比解决天然气价格问题更为紧迫,强调需要立即进行改革,以确保居民的稳定和无障碍。 Advocates argue that the situation is more urgent than addressing gas prices, highlighting the need for immediate reforms to ensure stability and accessibility for residents. 保险部门的持续危机引起了人们对危机对消费者和整个经济的影响的关切。 The ongoing crisis in the insurance sector has raised concerns about its impact on consumers and the overall economy.