骑自行车的人在内华达州亨德森发生事故后入院, 原因正在调查中. Bicyclist hospitalized after crash in Henderson, Nevada, cause under investigation.
星期一内华达州亨德森(Henderson)在地平线脊公园和七山大道发生车祸后,一名骑自行车者住院治疗,原因仍在调查之中。 A bicyclist was hospitalized after a crash in Henderson, Nevada, on Monday at Horizon Ridge Parkway and Seven Hills Drive, with the cause still under investigation. 当天早些时候,在Ramrod大道和Mount Vista街附近发生另一起车辆事故后,一名行人也住院治疗。 Earlier that day, a pedestrian was also hospitalized following a separate vehicle incident near Ramrod Avenue and Mountain Vista Street. 当局关闭了附近街道进行调查,关于受伤和原因的细节仍然不清楚。 Authorities have closed nearby streets for investigations, and details about the injuries and causes remain unclear.