希腊每年投资1 000欧元,采取有利于儿童的措施,解决低生育率、人口老龄化和劳动力短缺问题。 Greece invests €1bn annually in pro-child measures to combat low fertility rates, aging population, and labor shortages.
希腊面临人口危机,是欧洲生育率最低的国家之一,导致政府每年投资10亿欧元用于有利于儿童的倡议。 Greece is facing a demographic crisis with one of Europe's lowest fertility rates, leading the government to invest €1 billion annually in pro-child initiatives. 为应对出生率下降和人口老龄化,新措施包括加强儿童保育福利和对父母的税收奖励。 To counter declining birth rates and an aging population, new measures include enhanced childcare benefits and tax incentives for parents. 然而,经济改善,如提高养老金和最低工资,对于这些政策有效解决劳动力短缺和经济紧张问题至关重要。 However, economic improvements, such as higher pensions and minimum wage, are crucial for these policies to be effective in addressing labor shortages and economic strain.