俄罗斯战略轰炸机在楚克奇和东西伯利亚海上空进行大规模海洋-24演习,用巡航导弹模拟空袭。 Russian strategic bombers conducted large-scale Ocean-24 drills over the Chukchi and East Siberian seas, simulating air strikes with cruise missiles.
俄罗斯战略轰炸机星期天在海洋-24演习期间在楚克奇和东西伯利亚海上空进行了训练飞行。 Russian strategic bombers conducted training flights over the Chukchi and East Siberian seas on Sunday during the Ocean-24 drills. 这些演习模拟使用巡航导弹对假设的敌人目标进行空袭,是苏联时代以来规模最大的演习。 These exercises, which simulate air strikes on hypothetical enemy targets using cruise missiles, are the largest since the Soviet era. 这些演习将持续到9月16日,并覆盖广阔的海域,加强了俄罗斯在太平洋、北极和其他海洋的军事存在。 The drills will continue until September 16 and cover a vast maritime area, reinforcing Russia's military presence in the Pacific, Arctic, and other seas.