俄罗斯军舰和飞机将在加勒比地区进行军事演习,可能访问古巴和委内瑞拉。 Russian warships and aircraft to conduct military exercises in the Caribbean, potentially visiting Cuba and Venezuela.
预计未来几周俄罗斯军舰和飞机将前往加勒比海进行军事演习,并可能停靠古巴和委内瑞拉港口。 Russian warships and aircraft are expected to head to the Caribbean for military exercises in the coming weeks, with potential port calls in Cuba and Venezuela. 美国并不认为这些演习具有威胁性,但将对其进行监视。 The U.S. does not view the exercises as threatening, but will monitor them. 此次演习是俄罗斯对美国支持乌克兰的回应,也是展示俄罗斯海军全球力量投射能力的举措。 These exercises are a part of Russia's response to the U.S. supporting Ukraine and demonstrating Russia's navy's global power projection capabilities.