加拿大汉密尔顿一年中第一次狂犬病接触病例,涉及与狂犬病蝙蝠接触。 1st rabies exposure case in Hamilton, Canada in a year, involving contact with a rabid bat.
加拿大汉密尔顿报告了一例因接触患有狂犬病的蝙蝠而暴露于狂犬病的病例,这是一年来的首例。 Hamilton, Canada, reported a case of rabies exposure due to contact with a rabid bat, the first in a year. 这座城市建议居民避免与蝙蝠、浣熊、昆虫和狐狸接触,因为这些动物可以携带狂犬病。 The city advises residents to avoid contact with bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes, as these animals can carry rabies. 猫和狗可以接种该疾病疫苗,接触者应立即寻求医疗护理。 Cats and dogs can be vaccinated against the disease, and those exposed should seek medical attention immediately. 自2015年12月以来,该地区有330头动物检测狂犬病呈阳性,其中浣熊和昆虫受影响最大。 Since December 2015, 330 animals tested positive for rabies in the area, with raccoons and skunks being the most affected.