26岁的妇女在Kent Valley汽车旅馆中多枪射击;嫌疑人逃跑,调查仍在进行。 26-year-old woman shot multiple times at Kent Valley Motel; suspect fled, investigation ongoing.
一名26岁的女子在华盛顿肯特州肯特谷汽车旅馆停车场被多次枪杀,10月22日凌晨. A 26-year-old woman was shot multiple times in the parking lot of the Kent Valley Motel in Kent, Washington, early on October 22. 她的腹部、手臂和腿部受了伤,并被带到港景医疗中心,她在那里处于稳定状态。 She sustained wounds to her stomach, arm, and leg and was taken to Harborview Medical Center, where she is in stable condition. 受害人知道的嫌疑人在警察到达之前逃离现场。 The suspect, known to the victim, fled the scene before police arrived. 目前正在进行调查,当局敦促任何有情报的人与肯特警察局联系。 An investigation is ongoing, and authorities urge anyone with information to contact the Kent Police Department.