新西兰警方查封了与黑市烟草业务有关的570万加元财产。 New Zealand police seize $5.7M properties linked to black market tobacco operation.
新西兰警方已采取行动,没收9处财产,价值570万美元,与据称的黑市烟草交易有关。 Police in New Zealand have moved to seize nine properties valued at $5.7 million tied to an alleged black market tobacco operation. 在6月警方的一次突袭发现408公斤烟草和11 000多支香烟后,一个人根据《2018年关税和货物税法》面临多重指控,逃避了85万美元以上的税款。 A man faces multiple charges under the Customs and Excise Act 2018 after a police raid in June uncovered 408 kg of tobacco and over 11,000 cigarettes, evading more than $850,000 in taxes. 没收工作是根据2009年《犯罪所得(追回)法》进行的,该法影响到若干城市的财产。 The confiscation is pursued under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009, affecting properties across several cities.